
The WMS2 Notification microservice can provide notifications about system occurrences, such as creating a plan, changing a plan, changing client data, and more.
Notifications can be sent as:

  • Email
  • SMS
  • HTTP-based callback

These notifications are sent to SELLER, ADMIN or SUPER ADMIN users.


In the following example, we will see how an ADMIN user can perform a subscription for ORDER-SUBMISSION-SENT system occurrences notification.

This example is about the HTTP-based callback (also known as web hook) for system occurrence notification.

The web hook address is defined for each user: just as a user has his own e-mail address and mobile number, a user also has his own URL for the HTTP callback.

The full list of system occurrence codes is available by consulting the API endpoint api/v1/system-occurence.

For our test we will use Opening will display a page with a unique URL: this URL will be used for our callback:

Next, you need to create an ADMIN user and set its URL property to the HTTP address generated by To create an ADMIN user, a SUPER ADMIN token is required:

  var createAdminPayload = new 
	Name = name,
	Surname = surname,
	Email = (name + "." + surname + "").ToLowerInvariant(),
	PhoneNumberPrefix = phoneNumberPrefix,
	PhoneNumberNumber = phoneNumberNumber,
	Url = "", // Please splecify YOUR url
	GenderId = genderId,
	LanguageId = languageId

  var payLoadAsString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(createAdminPayload);

  // Use a SUPER ADMIN token to create an ADMIN user
  using var httpClient = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(_configuration["WmsBaseUrl"]) };
  httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json", 1));
  httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.AcceptLanguage.Add(new StringWithQualityHeaderValue("de-DE", 1));
  httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", _configuration["SuperAdminToken"]);

  await httpClient.PostAsync($"api/v1/users/admins", new StringContent(payLoadAsString, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

The next step is to register the ADMIN user as the recipient of the notifications. As mentioned above, we are interested in HTTP callback notification:

  var systemOccurrences = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<SystemOccurenceOutputModel>>("api/v1/system-occurence");

  // Get ORDER-SUBMISSION-SENT system notification ID
  var systemOccurrenceId = systemOccurrences.First(x = x.Code == "ORDER-SUBMISSION-SENT").Id;

  var selectedSystemNotifications = new List<SystemOccurencePreferenceInputModel>();
  selectedSystemNotifications.Add(new SystemOccurencePreferenceInputModel
	Id = systemOccurrenceId,
	IsEmailEnabled = false,
	IsHttpEnabled = true,	// HTTP callback
	IsSmsEnabled = false

  var payLoadAsString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(selectedSystemNotifications);
  await httpClient.PostAsync($"api/v1/system-occurence/user/{adminUserId}", new StringContent(payLoadAsString, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

The subscription is done. Each time a client submits a portfolio order, the ADMIN user will receive a notification.

To test, create a new client by following the Client Regirstration procedure and submit a plan creation request. The result will be the receipt of the following notification: